The Big Logistics Diversity Challenges
Delivered by Transaid
Transaid’s work in Africa has highlighted the struggles of many rural communities accessing vital services - to include providing bicycle ambulances for those in need of emergency medical assistance. In this challenge, you’ll step into a patient's shoes and traverse the tricky jungle terrain to transport your casualty across a single-lined stepping stone path to ensure everyone reaches the safety of the field hospital. Be careful where you step, hippos and crocodiles lie in wait!
Which team will perform the best Haka?
It’s A Knockout
Slapstick makes a comeback on the Big Logistics Knocked Out! course. - Sponsored by Intersoft
Space Hopper Basketball
The Space Hoppers are back!
Toxic Jigsaw
'And so, it all comes together…'
Payment terms
To discuss your requirements please call a member of our dedicated events;
Tel: +44 (0) 01780 432930 | Email: