The Big Logistics Diversity Challenges
Your team faces the challenge of walking, as a team, on two planks with rope handles. It is great fun and is typically chaotic for the first few steps. As you become organised by communicating, agreeing on procedures, being prepared to accommodate one another, and thinking of the team rather than pure self-interest, then results improve.
Which team will perform the best Haka?
It’s A Knockout
Slapstick makes a comeback on the Big Logistics Knocked Out! course. - Sponsored by Intersoft
Space Hopper Basketball
The Space Hoppers are back!
Toxic Jigsaw
'And so, it all comes together…'
Challenge Sponsorship: £3,700.00 + VAT
Payment terms
To discuss your requirements please call a member of our dedicated events;
Tel: +44 (0) 01780 432930 | Email: