The UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) is the leading trade organisation for the fast-growing UK warehousing sector. Around 1000 full members include third party warehousing and logistics service providers, as well as warehousing users such as retailers and manufacturers. UKWA Associate members are suppliers of products and professional services to the industry.
UKWA provides a powerful voice for the industry, representing members’ interests and views to policy makers and other influencers.
Our mission is to promote wider recognition and appreciation of the sector, while driving up industry standards, building community and supporting UKWA members.

Around 2.5 million people are employed in logistics in the UK and about one in five of those work in a warehouse. While labour shortages have been an ongoing challenge for the sector, the rise of online shopping has driven demand for warehousing workers to an all-time high.
Representative trade bodies like the UK Warehousing Association (UKWA) can help by encouraging member companies to look beyond traditional recruitment practices, extending the available talent pool by reaching out to wider and more diverse audiences, as well as offering better opportunities for those who seek a career in the industry.
The Association recognises the clear business case for inclusion and diversity, which drives both performance and profitability. Accordingly, UKWA has formed relationships with organisations such as Tempus Novo, the award-winning charity helping ex-offenders find employment, and is proud that some members work successfully alongside WorkFit, the employment program delivered by the Down’s Syndrome Association.
UKWA CEO Clare Bottle, a founder member of Women in Logistics, is also committed to attracting more women into an industry widely perceived as male dominated.
Clare says, “By encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace we can help tackle industry labour challenges, so UKWA is delighted to support The Big Logistics Diversity Challenge again in 2024.”